For All The Right Reasons
This will be my strategy moving forward until further notice.
The process of making the BowlU Training Tools is a labor of dedication. I know how productive and valuable they are in developing the skills of our game. It is important to me that everyone knows that the process of making them is a difficult and time-consuming chore, as hard as I try to simplify the process it remains a challenge. I continue to perfect the process but there are limitations of production. To keep the tools at an affordable cost I have chosen to maintain the limited production strategy. I pour in the morning and again in the evening and dedicate one day a week to trimming and one day to shipping. It is impossible to know how busy or slow it will be. The demand is good enough to continue with this strategy but not good enough to expand the operations. The training tools are not something that needs to be replaced so they are mostly one-time purchases. I will look into adding additional product that might make further investment possible, but for now I want to make sure everyone knows that the availability of product and the time to receive your product is based on demand and production capabilities. I want to thank you in advance for your patience and guarantee that I will not give up the dedication and or quality of BowlU product to make it easier.

Loyalty Deserves Loyalty
New Plans for BowlU Products effective immediatelyAn important message I want to be sure everyone understands, so I am putting it on the front page. The training products I make are all handmade and it is a very time-consuming process, most notably the Training Orb (because it is a 6-step process with curing time as well). I politely ask for your patience. It is hard to know when it will busy and when it won't be. It seems to be common that when I schedule a camp, orders come in right before I am scheduled to leave. How people know when I am leaving is beyond me LOL!!!
But Why?
I ask for your patience because I think it is the best option. The training products are very productive and I want to be able to provide them for anyone who wants them, but keep in mind this is not a full-time business and I make them to last a very long time so the market it not very renewable. I am happy the demand is as high as it is, but having explored the possibility of hiring full-time employees or having someone else make them would not be a good business decision at this time. Expect the process to take 3-4 weeks from the time you make your order. If I am able to get ahead of orders, consider that a bonus.
Thank you for supporting BowlU as we build opportunity for everyone who loves the sport of bowling.