I am going under the knife

So BowlU Product production will be a "no no" according to the doctors. So, there will be a need to adapt to whatever I am or am not capable of doing. For the last several months I have purposely prepared for this moment by minimizing access and marketing of the training tools. I apologize for those who have been eager and anxious to get their BowlU Training Tools, at the same time I am pretty sure most everyone understands we will be back up and running when the doctors say I can go. I have a few lose ends to tie up with product, but I want to make sure I have done everything I can to inform everyone that I won't be able to be making any product, probably won't even be able to ship or even work on the computer until rehab starts in the month of August. If you want to order product that is fine but understand I really have no idea what rehab is going to be like. I thank you for your patience during this time.

Post dated July 9th

Surgery is scheduled for July 18th. I will be tying up all the loose ends between now and then but I will be difficult to get in touch with because I put my phone away so I can be sure to get everything done before I can't do anything,

Loyalty Deserves Loyalty

New Plans for BowlU Products effective immediately

An important message I want to be sure everyone understands, so I am putting it on the front page. The training products I make are all handmade and it is a very time-consuming process, most notably the Training Orb (because it is a 6-step process with curing time as well). I politely ask for your patience. It is hard to know when it will busy and when it won't be. It seems to be common that when I schedule a camp, orders come in right before I am scheduled to leave. How people know when I am leaving is beyond me LOL!!!

But Why?

I ask for your patience because I think it is the best option. The training products are very productive and I want to be able to provide them for anyone who wants them, but keep in mind this is not a full-time business and I make them to last a very long time so the market it not very renewable. I am happy the demand is as high as it is, but having explored the possibility of hiring full-time employees or having someone else make them would not be a good business decision at this time. Expect the process to take 3-4 weeks from the time you make your order. If I am able to get ahead of orders, consider that a bonus.

Thank you for supporting BowlU as we build opportunity for everyone who loves the sport of bowling.