12/6/2024 - It Is Official
It has been ok'd by the doctors and I have pushed the shoulder to see if I would be able to do the job. I have to admit I am not 100% ... but good enough to say I am ready to pour. I have been told to take it easy and not let the pain get above a 7 on a 1 to 10 scale. I think I can do it and am here to say "I don't have to wait any longer"
I am not going to rush out and tell the world because I don't want to take the chance of overloading my capabilities so, I am going to sneak my way back into the shop and start with those of you that have been so patiently waiting.
First of all I want to say Thank You! for your patience. I have been working on some changes in the shop that I hope will help production including a new production work bench. The shop is still in a remodeling phase but I will be able to get started on a lighter pouring schedule which is all I am willing to push my shoulder anyway.
I have not looked at the number of orders yet, so I can't give any time lines. Once I know the material and production is up to expectations I will let you know.
I will keep you updated as I progress through the process. Check the blog for the latest update.

Loyalty Deserves Loyalty
New Plans for BowlU Products effective immediatelyAn important message I want to be sure everyone understands, so I am putting it on the front page. The training products I make are all handmade and it is a very time-consuming process, most notably the Training Orb (because it is a 6-step process with curing time as well). I politely ask for your patience. It is hard to know when it will busy and when it won't be. It seems to be common that when I schedule a camp, orders come in right before I am scheduled to leave. How people know when I am leaving is beyond me LOL!!!
But Why?
I ask for your patience because I think it is the best option. The training products are very productive and I want to be able to provide them for anyone who wants them, but keep in mind this is not a full-time business and I make them to last a very long time so the market it not very renewable. I am happy the demand is as high as it is, but having explored the possibility of hiring full-time employees or having someone else make them would not be a good business decision at this time. Expect the process to take 3-4 weeks from the time you make your order. If I am able to get ahead of orders, consider that a bonus.
Thank you for supporting BowlU as we build opportunity for everyone who loves the sport of bowling.